Spacial recognition through gyro and acceleration detection: Web VR(Virtual Reality) + tracking. Visual space recognition: Web AR(Augmented Reality) + facial recognition + 3D object recognition + barcode recognition + QR code recognition. Visual space recognition and 3D model collision detection: Web MR(Mixed Reality). Software solutions for specialized hardware: iOT, sensors, IP cameras, wearable glasses.
Localization, multi-lingual services for systems, English area research and service agency. Offshore development.
Automation of data creation, modification and deletion using logic and templates. RPA(Robotic Process Automation).
Web based data communication services including customizable solutions for compression, security and performance for various communication formats(WebRTC, Web sockets, AJAX, URL), various data formats(XML, JSON, binary, audio, video, image), various devices(desktop, mobile, smartphone, USB and bluetooth connected devices).
Consultation and services for migrating to open source services.
Consultation services and application services for reducing application license costs(conversion of systems and macros from old to new formats).
Specialized in the following software development: Website development(HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL), Web application development(Node.js, React, Symphony, MongoDB), hybrid and (PWA)progressive web applications, refactoring, source migration.
Nothing ready. Just making preparations.
Started working at workspace in S-CUBE location in Nakamozu.
Updated temporary website with better UI.
The business has just begun so there is only one employee, but the business will not lose to larger companies through ability.